• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023

  • The whole premise of the article? There’s 2 statements in the entire article that you’ve highlighted, a rather long and lengthy article about the development and history behind the game developer. Your statements of “what the article is saying” is completely false,

    is pretending the sale is some runaway success in the west

    where does it say this?

    article completely ignores the source of the sales volume

    Article clearly states it’s sales, touches on the current chinese population use of steam, I’m not sure what you’re saying should be the “correct” thing that would satisfy you. Maybe you could provide an example?

    The actual impact it’s going to have is much less on the development of AAA games by Chinese studios and much more as a demonstration of the Chinese market’s interest in single player games.

    That’s a valid statement with a lot of factors (younger generations play more multiplayer). It wasn’t the scope of this article to break down consumer purchasing trends within a category (this thing is already long enough).

    This seemed like a very milquetoast level style of an article highlighting the success and development of a game studio, I suppose everyone complains in the gaming industry now adays (myself included) so I’ll take your negativity more as a “gamer” thing than just hating on something not from the west. I’m rather glad to be exposed to news articles on here that aren’t NA eccentric that I’m always reading. Them not highlighting and differentiating themselves from the western market has seemed to gotten you into a hissy fit.

  • Holy crap that game development sounds like it had a really tough time and brought upon by the inexperience like you said. Found some conversations with the co-founder after the game was cancelled

    the game did not retain enough players to have any hope of becoming a business and it wasn’t a question of marketing - any money we spent on marketing would have been wasted…

    it was not growing organically in alpha people would come in, and play for a bit, and then quit … i’m not even saying we needed high growth like, remember when the alpha launched we had something like 500-1000 people online the first several days … but 4 weeks later we were nowhere near 500-1000 the kind of business we bet the company on requires a game like, say, tf2, where its what, 9 years old or something and there’s still hundreds of thousands of players and it probably hasn’t had a single dollar of marketing spend

    Absolutely crazy and absurd level of expectations lol. I imagine there wasn’t a single PR or marketing person in the company that could explain to them why. Seems like a lot of hubris which stopped them from finishing the development process and wanted immediate success and fandom.

    edit: words hard

  • Nah, you read everyone should be staying at home. Person had a following qualifier that you ignored.

    “I didn’t realize there were covid extremists still thinking masks and stay-at-home orders are needed.”

    “Im a big fan of masks and staying home when sick. Always have been. My whole life. Covid included.”

    You’re all over the place. How am I suppose to follow along with your extremes that contradict each other? This must be a “we should follow common sense, but don’t have common sense regulations in place” argument I suppose.

  • I think it was less “enlightening” and more just you reaffirming that you couldn’t be bothered. You don’t believe masks are needed for people with an infectious illness? You don’t think someone that is sick should stay-at-home?

    “I lost an uncle and a grandmother to COVID”, kinda feel bad for them that all you think of it now is “most places on earth treat it as the common cold nowadays.” How many members in your family have you lost to the common cold so far in the past few years?

    “This all reflects my reality where I haven’t heard about or been affected by COVID for years now.”

    “I’m just an average dude (LOL). I travel a lot half the year in USA and EU and chill in remote areas all winter.” Huh, wonder why your arguments sound like anti-covid mandates. Your dog whistles of “Are you suggesting that everyone needs to be staying home and not working? If everyone doesn’t go to work, how will people survive (food, water, climate control)?” are pure trolling. Plenty of people worked during the pandemic and only quarantined when necessary, you know, common sense. People might be harsh towards you on here but you’re definitely deserving of it with your responses.

  • Cataphract@lemmy.mltoLemmy@lemmy.mlGoodbye Reddit, Hello Lemmy!
    4 months ago

    Eh, anything linked on Reddit has it’s own link on here in regards to News. I get news from multiple sources offline and on so putting up with Reddit’s negative aspects isn’t worth it for me. I also enjoy the discourse on here a lot more, Reddit responses seem more of a “bubble” than the entire Lemmy community you’re labeling.

    I’ll share 2 semi-recent posts I read as an example of why I’m on here instead of Reddit. Btw, both of these posts are about the same BBC article but obviously paint a completely different picture.

    Reddit : Crew trapped on Baltimore ship, seven weeks after bridge collapse

    Top 4 Comments (1387 total)

    • holy shit its been 7 weeks since that collapse? (13.4k upvotes)
    • Part of the ship, part of the crew! (4712 upvotes)
    • I think “stuck on the ship” is a better phrase. “Trapped” brings to mind being wedged under a fallen brace or something. (8388 upvotes)
    • So not trapped just maintaining the ship like they’re paid to do. (5756 upvotes)

    Lemmy: They detonated chunks of the bridge while sailors are on board because the US won’t allow them shoreside.

    Top 4 Comments (30 total)

    • This shit is extremely weird and happens all over. For some reason sailors are just absolutely not allowed off their shitty falling apart ships and have to stay on board even after the owners vanish and leave them hanging in the wind. There are sailors trapped in this situation in ports all over the world - the ships are too damaged to sail, or the owners vanished without paying port fees and the ship is impounded, or whatever. Weird shit. And all these sailors, mostly from global south countries, are trapped. The country they’re stuck in won’t let them off the ship, they have no way to pay for port fees or fuel and sometimes even food or water. It’s utterly fucking bizarre. I don’t think it’s a large number of ships in absolute terms, but it is common in the sense that at least a few ships are trapped in this limbo all the time. There’s this whole world of ultra-shady shipping with ships that are registered in sketchy tax haven countries, or have no registration, and they get abandoned all the time. And sailors in general just get treated like shit. A lot of sailors come from poor global south countries and get treated as disposable. Terrible conditions, bad or no support from the ship owners, if something goes wrong they can be stranded and totally fucked. It’s a mess, like a serious problem for workers. @Frank@hexbear.net
    • the FBI still has their seized phones and shit, so not only are they stuck on a damaged ship they might be unable to reach out to family and friends (not sure what the communication/internet situation is on a ship like that). @nat_turner_overdrive@hexbear.net
    • If you think this is wild you should read some stories about stowaways. I know a guy who sailed with a dude who had been a stowaway on danish ships for a couple decades, and that was a nice story. A lot of the stowaways get tortured and/or killed and then dumped in international waters. A stowaway is any person who is not on the ships’ manifest. Lot of refugees that just… disappear. Stowaways can be made to work while they’re on your ship, though you have to provide them lodgings and food. There’s a lot of people who get found on ships, are made to work and then are unable to leave the ship because no country will take them. Then they’re just stuck there forever. @Egon@hexbear.net
    • How the fuck is “you have to let people on cargo ships into your country at least temporarily” not in any of the treaties we have regarding international shipping? @ClimateChangeAnxiety@hexbear.net

    I just don’t have the time to read through 1300 joke comments to get to the 30 or so of actual discussions I’m interested in. The fact that the top comments are just arguing over terminology semantics used in a title (and not the conditions or situation these people were forced into) isn’t something I wish to waste my time on.

    If lemmy.ml gets to be like Reddit, I just have to move to a smaller instance and I’m done.

  • Idk about everyone else, but I think the issue is something like the “oh so you hate capitalism but participate in it?” meme.

    An argument for agency can be made either for or against, but for most it boils down to the reality of the society you’re trying to exist in. It’s just a huge distraction that you’ve created along with others for anecdotal conversations. This is a US sitting democratic president calling insults to allies during a time-period where conflict is on the rise, while completely negating any resolutions that could impede the death being caused.

    We could talk about Biden’s own xenophobia with the immigration and border response. His past with the crime bill and other negative legislation. The fact that the entire Democratic Party is xenophobic to anyone outside of their party including the “poor” or progressive strangers they fear so much, like we saw with the recent condemnation of the protests against Palestinian genocide.

    Instead you’ve made 10+ comments bringing up other countries to blame, links back to other comments in this thread, boasting about taking a basic Econ class and proclaiming you’ve won because a couple of people upvoted you. I understand your argument, it’s just not valid at this time or during this discussion and you’re trying to force it with hostility till people “get it”.

  • I think we need to be mindful that we can’t point at one media organization or “political aisle” for this type of rhetoric. @Microw@lemm.ee above encapsulates it beautifully.

    Some areas simply have no-good groups of people like neonazis that will go into houses and try to take them over

    The fear mongering isn’t subject to particular ideologies and anyone is susceptible. These tactics are being used by nearly(edit) everyone in the political realm.

    edit: just gotta say I love the downvotes with no replies. There is a middle-ground nuanced objectivity where neither “both parties are the same” or “my political side is holier than thou” apply. Go touch some grass or learn how to have an actual conversation with those you disagree with online.