I agree, this isn’t elegant, but works great. There are also even smaller options, but this one the battery lasts forever.
I agree, this isn’t elegant, but works great. There are also even smaller options, but this one the battery lasts forever.
I use Flauncher on my Sony Bravia.
When I watched Sweeney Todd in theaters, half of the audience left when Johny Depp started singing. They didn’t know what they signed up for.
This is my take as well, and yet I have an 70+ file PR still pending a complete review… But to be fair that pr required me to change half the code base to change to a new network stackm.
The Arrival is really pretty good popcorn flick. There is a sequel, but eh not worth it.
Where would the movie The Cell end up on this list?
The Arrival with Charlie Sheen. I do enjoy watching my DVD copy of this one.
The Iron Giant are War games are also a popular one for me.
R.O.T.O.R. is my ultimate guilty pleasure.
Oh and there is this movie Pulse (1988) OMG that movie is amazing lol
Ok I’ll stop.
I’m currently on the ZeroMQ boat. What made you go to Rabbit Mq? I need the Pair socket for zeroMq for a project.
I had a hard time watching some of the Inside Out sequel, but now that I know how it ends I will feel a lot less stressed/anxious during a rewatch. Kind of like rewatching The Sixth Sense.
I feel that I likely will rewatch the first movie more as it’s easier on my brain.
I have heard from friends of mine that like Trump claim that since he’s a business man he is good for running the country. I could’t roll my eyes hard enough after hearing that remark.
I have also found that there is nothing you can say to sway a trump supporter.
More beans and fish. Skip the skin on chicken as well.
So the 5th element is an approved pleasure for everyone?
I’ve seen a lot of these, what’s misunderstood?
I read an article somewhere about this years ago… Maybe even back in 2010. What’s new this time?
Not active enough.
I’m interested, but I doubt I really qualify.
I think 24 is just the next version as it seemed to go from 7.6 to 24.1
Edit: checked the wiki page, I guess 24 = 2024? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LibreOffice
You just need your mom to date someone that works at a secret government base, “borrow” their badge, swap the uranium with dish soap, and good to go.
Yeah, Wish is an odd movie to watch. It’s not too clear why this movie even exists except to promote the 100 years for Disney which doesn’t really happen till the credits roll. Maybe they thought if we didn’t understand a reference made in the film we would be motivated to watch other Disney content ?
Encoding to AV1 is good to cooking CPUs.