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Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Not really, but a few years ago I was going through an old box of VHS home movies for my wife and turning them into MP4s. Amongst the tapes I found a box set of Star Wars IV, V, & VI. The original trilogy before Lucas fucked them up. Naturally I ripped a copy of those as a back up. Sadly they were pan-and-scan but they were actually in good shape!

  • Boddhisatva@lemmy.worldtoMovies@lemmy.worldAMC Theaters suck
    7 months ago

    Depends where you live, I guess. Before moving out of state, I used to occasionally go to a place in Wheaton, Illinois called Studio Movie Grill. It’s like a normal theater but each seat has a tray and you can order food like in a normal restaurant. Each row of seats is elevated over the rows in front so that the servers for rows in front of yours don’t block your view of the movie. I did find it a little distracting but I still enjoyed it.

    As for beer, every chain movie house I’ve been to for years has sold beer and in many cases, mixed drinks too.

  • It’s not “a little more” to prosecute a death penalty case. It’s a lot more depending on the state. I strongly recommend reading the link but here are some snippets from it.

    A 2003 legislative audit in Kansas found that the estimated cost of a death penalty case was 70% more than the cost of a comparable non-death penalty case. Death penalty case costs were counted through to execution (median cost $1.26 million). Non-death penalty case costs were counted through to the end of incarceration (median cost $740,000).

    In Tennessee, death penalty trials cost an average of 48% more than the average cost of trials in which prosecutors seek life imprisonment.

    In Maryland death penalty cases cost 3 times more than non-death penalty cases, or $3 million for a single case.

    In California the current system costs $137 million per year; it would cost $11.5 million for a system without the death penalty.

    Now consider that there is a very strong agreement among experts that the death penalty does not serve as a deterrent to other criminals.

    That means that the extra expense of pursuing the death penalty has no effect on increasing public safety since the convicted criminal, whether they are executed or are spending the rest of their life in prison, is not a risk to the public. Finally, all that extra money spent on death penalty trials is money that could be better spent on measures that really would improve public safety such as reducing poverty or improving education.

  • Like, I have a lot of trust and confidence in the science…

    You shouldn’t.

    Animal Testing Mess (click to read)

    The mistakes leading to unnecessary animal deaths included one instance in 2021, when 25 out of 60 pigs in a study had devices that were the wrong size implanted in their heads, an error that could have been avoided with more preparation, according to a person with knowledge of the situation and company documents and communications reviewed by Reuters.

    The mistake raised alarms among Neuralink’s researchers. In May 2021, Viktor Kharazia, a scientist, wrote to colleagues that the mistake could be a “red flag” to FDA reviewers of the study, which the company planned to submit as part of its application to begin human trials. His colleagues agreed, and the experiment was repeated with 36 sheep, according to the person with knowledge of the situation. All the animals, both the pigs and the sheep, were killed after the procedures, the person said.

    Kharazia did not comment in response to requests.

    On another occasion, staff accidentally implanted Neuralink’s device on the wrong vertebra of two different pigs during two separate surgeries, according to two sources with knowledge of the matter and documents reviewed by Reuters. The incident frustrated several employees who said the mistakes – on two separate occasions – could have easily been avoided by carefully counting the vertebrae before inserting the device.

    Company veterinarian Sam Baker advised his colleagues to immediately kill one of the pigs to end her suffering.

    “Based on low chance of full recovery … and her current poor psychological well-being, it was decided that euthanasia was the only appropriate course of action,” Baker wrote colleagues about one of the pigs a day after the surgery, adding a broken heart emoji.

  • The Democrat said the bill’s “sweeping expansion of eligibility for post-conviction relief” would “up-end the judicial system and create an unjustifiable risk of flooding the courts with frivolous claims,” in a veto letter released Saturday.

    Hello? The judicial system is broken. It needs to be upended.

    The bill passed by the Legislature in June would have expanded the types of evidence that could be considered proof of innocence, including video footage or evidence of someone else confessing to a crime. Arguments that a person was coerced into a false guilty plea would have also been considered.

    Also, how could a claim that requires new evidence that a person was wrongly convicted ever, in any way, be considered frivolous?! What the hell is this idiot thinking?