Bahnd Rollard

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • Well… It is anime.

    According to IMDB, the animation studio is Sola Entertainment, which really doesn’t have much under their belt. They are listed on “Ninja Kamui” and “Ultraman” and thats about it. I cant say much where the staff came from or if there is any famous directors behind this but they seem good enough. The bar for new LotR content isnt that high right now so ill be happy if its the quality of Netflix’s+Anime colabs.

    Edit: also post-production notes say late-december 2024, and its expecting a theatrical release (good luck with that…)

  • The Waffle Hose Index for the uninitiated [Link] was a moderatly usefull (and humerous) idea thought up by the US Federal Emergency Managment Aganecy (FEMA) to determine the accessability of the area after a disaster.

    It takes time to get to an area, even longer if the roads are damaged, so one of the first things to do is to try and call someone local. Waffle House happens to be open 24-7, and has an unusually comprehensive emergency preparedness policy. In a lot of cases they can run for days on a limited menu without power and running water. The only reasons they would not pick up the phone is that telecommunications were down (which FEMA would want to know anyway), that the staff cant get to the resturant (which is also usefull to know) or that the resturant is gone and Amaerica is down one of its finest off-hours eating establishments.

  • We know… but can anyone really do anything? We reguraly get scientific breakthroughs that may help, but are too new to meet the scale required. We regurally hear PSA like “Recycling helps” or “Only you can prevent forest fires” but once again, the scale of the issue is far larger than paper straws or other feel good wishcycling programs. We reguraly see that the ~100 companies directly responsible for the problems not suffering any concequences, investigations into wrong doings are met with armies of lawyers, lobbyists (see bribery), and limp-wristed regulations with fines that are considered “the cost of doing business” instead of a penalty to be avoided.

    For me, the fear and panic of impending climate collapse has given way to apathy and resignation. We know its a problem, its just that the scale requires real global action, its a global prisoner’s dilemma, and im not confident people will get it right.

  • First, attacking the person, not the proposition. I feel like I hit a nerve, so that started off well.

    Next paragraph, I don’t know who to thank for that, chatGPT Wikipedia. The location in the documents is not the issue at hand, other than "well actually"ing someone on the internet.

    But that last line… And the part I take issue with.

    How many 2A supporters can say with a straight face that a flintlock musket and modern weapon are even remotely comparable. The intent of these modern tools is to commit harm to your fellow man, which they do with much more efficiency than they did in the past. If the founders had the ability to see into the future, I’m confident they would have phrased the 2A differently.

    Furthermore, if fear of a tyrannical government is your excuse to not take a moment of reflection on our relationship to the 2A, then you must be naive as you think I am… Revolution or whatever you want to call it does not work that way anymore. The last 60ish years of asymmetric conflict the US has been involved in should be a good enough example of that. (Best get used to dystopias, your in one)

    Lastly, the part that is most frustrating is that this is a partially solved problem in countries that took action like Switzerland and Australia (that took very different paths to get to where they are today, but I want to focus on Aus). In 1996, Australia, in the wake of the worst mass shooting in their countries history, they collectively decided that the number of arms in the country was too damn high and did something about it. [Ref]

    All that I propose is a good faith attempt at serious federal regulation with a focus on their current need as tools, ethics and actual results/consequences. Unfortunately, as long as the NRA exists, America will collectively sit on its hands and this all comes off as wishful thinking.