• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Let’s just call this what it is, and what it will always be until the end of time. Two religions forced to live in a shoebox together.

    Religion is to blame, both sides having their fairytale that is incompatible with the other side’s fairytale.

    I’m done arguing, fighting, defending or taking sides in any of it. Every ten years we rinse and repeat this bullshit and it’s over nothing more than the fictional stories of two man made books.

    And have no illusions, NO MATTER THE OUTCOME here we will be arguing about this same shit again in ten more years.

  • I can offer you a very small example of a difference in thinking that I experience.

    I’m a grown ass man and I can’t easily tell my left from right. The best example of this is when I’m gaming and the tutorial tells me to press ‘left thumb stick’, I usually fuck it up. It took me a long time and a lot of thinking on it to realise what was going on. For me, left and right is not instinctive like up or down, but rather, it’s either a feeling, or not a feeling.

    The reason for this is because when I was 5 I nearly lost my left index finger in an accident. It was reattached, but during the healing process I was constantly told my left finger was the one I hurt, so I literally learnt left from right as ‘injury’ or ‘no injury’, which I then attributed to as ‘hurt’ or ‘not hurt’.

    So now, when I have to choose left or right, my brain has to remember an injury and where it was, then kind of feel that injury and tell myself that yes, I feel it so that’s left, or no, I feel nothing so that’s right. These steps take more time than a normal person’s automatic reaction to left or right direction.

    Imagine someone touching you and saying, “does this hurt”. It takes time to figure out if it hurts or not and then reply. Thats what I’m doing every time I need to identify left or right, and if there’s no time for that, like “quick, make a right turn here”, I’m forced to guess.

    And there is no way for me to unlearn this.

  • I think what most people are forgetting is that this dude’s wealth is $250,000,000,000. If you counted one dollar of his money every second it would take you 8,000 years to count it all.

    He could retire tomorrow, sell everything, throw his cash in a term deposit and literally make $60,000 a day in interest or $30M a year.

    He doesn’t have to give a shit about any consequence of anything, ever. He can bankrupt 100 businesses, get sued 1000 times, buy a chain of small islands, and still be filthy rich enough to retire on an armada of super yachts with unlimited coke and super models, while still launching rockets into space for shits and gigs until he’s 100.