Soon coming to your best red states.
Soon coming to your best red states.
Indie games don’t have shareholders demanding extra-short term profits to please, they can afford to innovate. An AAA game needs to pay the shareholders as fast as possible, and how to do it? Well, the way they do it now; take your cod, or fifa, or whatever AAA ip you want and you’ll see how the patterns repeat in all of them.
AAA games are the fast food of videogaming.
Ideally, it has to be a big publisher that spends a ton of money on it.
In truth, an AAA game can be spotted by a price tag of over 60 €/USD, at least one season pass, 3+ different editions, a huge day-1 patch and a lack of anything that’s not predatory monetization of any remaining gameplay elements.
I’ve been diagnosed at the tender age of 36, because my lovely parents didn’t give a fuck about all the signals and the teachers “hints”.
Up until then, it’s been hell, and I’m not exagerating when I say that I don’t know how I made it this far in life. When you are one of the “lucky” ones that only suffer from what is now called “functional” autism (aka there is no cognitive disability), you struggle with most social aspects, you torture yourself thinking you are weird, you hate yourself because it’s obvious (only for yourself) that there is something wrong with you that you can’t understand.
A diagnosis is not a death sentence but an answer to what is happening in your brain to make it work differently. Now, I am starting to get help, I am asking for acomodations that make my life easier and I understand what is happening in my head. And most important, I’m not ashamed anymore when my “weirdness” leaks out because I understand it.
Unless you live in a country where you are not allowed to write code or to pay other people, I don’t see why you couldn’t pay someone to do something that is not illegal in your stead