That’s true. Let the largest BGP routers go down for 5 minutes and any demands the people who run them have would be met.
I work in I.T. and am interested in every sub-field. I also study English, Spanish, German, French, Koine Greek, Latin, Mandarin & Swahili. I’m interested in human culture.
I like Linux, but mainly use Windows because of work.
That’s true. Let the largest BGP routers go down for 5 minutes and any demands the people who run them have would be met.
I don’t have a link right now. I literally remember seeing it on the television on the nightly news in the United States.
I remember the video from the next day and a lot of people were run over. All of the acts of that part of history get conflated in memory. That’s why it’s good to have video and good to have professional historians.
Exactly! They know their book says “love your neighbor” and care for the widow, the orphan & the stranger, but they don’t even vaguely do anything like that.
The hookers are likely to be more honest. A congress with Blackjack could be interesting. Okay, I’ll vote for that congress.
Some evangelical sects believe that one of the apostles was transported to heaven without dying, so they believe that that generation has technically not passed away.
In 6,000 year creationism, some sects believe there was a physical firmament (basically a shell of ice around the earth), but that it fell during Noah’s flood.
Several soldiers on foot would be a LOT better for the hospital than a missile if that is really all they are looking for, although that doesn’t seem to fit with what they’ve done so far
True, but that is well planned, both pilots probably meet before the flight, I think, and actually discuss the whole routine including the distance, because unexpected turbulence and a dozen other factors can throw the plan off, whereas fighter jet meets B-52 without any plan or possibly even contact, at 400+ knots is a bad idea.
Traveling within 10 feet of another vehicle where the speeds are measured as a percentage of the speed of sound (Mach) is definitely flying like a moron.
There do appear to be differences, the microphone holder, for instance, but, yeah, $19K is a stretch, even if it was made by a craftsman in Arkansas
Increasing the CPU optimization by 0.02% does seem crazy to me. If you’re going to spend time working on something, make it worthwhile. Also, isn’t while(true) {print(money)} Microsoft, Apple and Amazon:s business model?
He had been on a whirlwind trip according to the headline. The headline might as well read “president has jet lag and isn’t quite sure of the time after traveling halfway around the world”. That’s a non-story and something a lot of people would experience
Google maps says 25 miles. It takes me a little more than 30 minutes to drive. It would take 2 hours, 22 minutes by bike.
If I could afford closer housing, I would. If billions of people could afford to eat with minimal environmental impact, we would
That would be nice, but I, and many people, live too far from work to be able to bike and there is no public transportation in most of North America.
It would be interesting to know if the group kept the linguistic traits when they returned home and if the accent of the next group to come and spend time with some of these people had the same linguistic features.
I’m not sure if you can do it on Sync, but in a browser, you can go to instance name/communities. For example