Anybody got any suggestions for a good print-screen / screenshot app?
I’m using the default of Swappy right now and it doesn’t really suit my needs.
The MacOS screenshot app is my ideal.
Anybody got any suggestions for a good print-screen / screenshot app?
I’m using the default of Swappy right now and it doesn’t really suit my needs.
The MacOS screenshot app is my ideal.
magick import of imagemagick has a crosshair. Here’s my function:
screnshot() { ## script to make screenshots with imagemagick's import command and display them ## usage: screenshot <path> <name> _id="$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")" _dir="${1:-$XDG_CACHE_HOME}" _shot="$_dir"/"${2:-shot_$_id}.png" mkdir -p "$_dir" magick import "$_shot" printf '%s\n' "$_shot" magick display "$_shot" }
And good old xfce4-screenshooter, xfce4-screenshooter -r and xfce4-screenshooter -w.
Edit: right, magick display. I personally like viewnior better but make it less dependencies.