• DarkFuture@lemmy.world
    10 days ago

    I don’t need anyone to admit anything.

    It’s standard operating procedure in human civilization for someone who was wrong to admit they were wrong before the person or people they wronged can work together with them.

    This isn’t some huge ask. They were wrong. People got hurt. They need to admit their error before they can be trusted.

    I see maga voters getting on board

    Do you?

    It’s not like our educational institutions do anything to help that, especially in red states.

    It doesn’t take Einsteinian levels of genius to look around you and go “Hmmm, shit kind of sucks and we’ve been exclusively electing Republicans in this region my entire life.” No, they’d rather blame libs in other parts of the country, or people with darker shades of skin.

    All I need is their motivation to work together.

    Cool. My motivation is knowing they’ve changed by admitting they were wrong.

    We can work out ideological differences with patience and fortitude, forgiveness and understanding

    They want women to be second class citizens and don’t want trans people to exist. How do you propose we get past a hurdle like that?