Yes, a person can decide to hand themselves over to the police.
Yes, a person can decide to hand themselves over to the police.
As someone who is very lonely, chatbots like these scare the shit out of me, not only for their seeming lack of limits, but also for the fact that you have to pay for access.
I know I have a bit of an addictive personality, and know that this kind of system could completely ruin me.
Thank you for your concern, as it stands now that local way of interaction between vehicles is at odds with the current galactic standard as noted in Book 29 (transportation), Chapter 61 (optical communication), section 5 (visual spectrum), subsection 2 (visual specturm communication between space faring civilizations and non space faring civilizations)
I will preset your comment as a suggestion to the grand court, who may agree to publish a local exception in Book 12 (exceptions).
Speaking as a Voxon who captains a Kerglyz KG-7 scout craft (with the boosted manifold), I feel like I can offer an interesting viewpoint.
If we hover before landing it is a sign that we see you and are yelding to you, you can just pass under us, but please, to make it clear that you understand the situation and to alert us if we have strayed into your path inadvertetly, just flash your highbeams twice, indicating that you see us and intend to pass.
We are normally just doing surveys and gathering data, we are doing our best to stay out of the way.
The nVidia GT series are cheap, the 710 series are the cheapest new cards that I have found.
I got the biggest alert I have ever seen in the Aurora Pro app yesterday, and it was cloudy…
Nice photo!
Ah, after rereading the post, that is probably what OP are looking for
I am sorry, but if you are running the instance, unless you are running a large instance, can’t you just not upload images yourself, and tell those that does have an account to not do it?
Fun fact, the name “Studsvik” is quite funny, it translates to “Bounce bay” in english…
Nah, I host it on a web hotel.
I am using a very generic ISP and they tend to have a dim view of running servers on their network.
I did have an RPi running SSH and a Mumble server directly connected to the internet years ago, but after a few years I realized that I was bringing needless attention to my network when I found my server on Shodan.
So I took it down…
I’m just excited to get up to the lab and see what’s on the slab.
That is a great follow up question, is an egg defined by what ever laid it or by it’s contents?
That is what I mean, the scooe of the question is too narrow.
“It’s a thought experiment, there is no real answer, blah blah blah…”
The question is only deep among those who constrain themselves to what they believe the question asks, just widen the scope and you have the logical sollution.
The chicken/egg problem is really a problem of a too narrow scope.
“What came first the chicken or the egg?”
The answer is obviously the egg as plenty of other species before chickens laid eggs.
The concept of an egg is far older than the concept of the chicken.
I just hate the comic style that is used in presentations like this, it is just too cutsey, and I can’t take it seriously
Sweet, glad to hear that it seems to be working!
I also found this in the support forum:
I would start by reinstalling Firefox and creating a new profile before messing with about:config.
I have used Firefox since 1.0 and have nwver noticed the issue, so try a new install to start with.
I mean, why?
At most I could see the value of locking yourself in a room for protection as waking up from a psycotic episode where you have attacked others and fear for your own life.