I think this is just irresponsible to say; the liberation of the working class is the job of the worker alone. I can’t go into detail on Lemmy for obvious reasons, but actually existing resistance networks of working class people do deal with and help each other with things like house raids. If you are at the point where you’re receiving this kind of state repression, you will also be well connected enough to get the support you need. I get my house raided occasionally, my comrades get raided semi-frequently, we all deal with it and live with it just like every other revolutionary throughout history who has stood up to an oppressive state and seen capital with its mask off.
I just use Vim out of habit. I’ve been using it as my main text editor since I was like 13 or so, maybe more like 10 I don’t really remember. It works perfectly well for the vast majority of my use cases. I use Jetbrains IDEs if I feel I need the power of a full IDE. Jetbrains has an IdeaVim plugin if you want it to be a modal editor, or if your fingers are accustomed to Vim keybindings.