this is despicable. he’s no better than Hitler at this point. why are we coddling him?
this is despicable. he’s no better than Hitler at this point. why are we coddling him?
yeah fuck this guy. I’ve lived 30 years without viewing one of his works and i can happily live 70 more :) plenty of stuff out there not made by a pedophile.
the point is isolating women and keeping them lonely and dependant on men. it has nothing to do with morals.
scientifically, it’s the second one
that’s the problem though. people try to do it themselves and often die painfully or survive with sometimes debilitating lifelong injuries. this way, it’s on their terms but supervised by a doctor, and it’s not a violent way to go.
well duh, birth rates have been declining around the globe forever now. how is this shocking
read my post again. this is a provider that is probably losing business because people can’t get their referral in to see them unless they walk it through the door themselves. how is that convenient?
thank you, this is exactly the type of answers i was hoping for!
this makes no sense to me when patient portals exist. why isn’t there a provider portal that can handle sending medical info back and forth? I can see all my medical details online already.
no kidding! i have enough to deal with, without having to babysit a doctor’s office that won’t update their equipment.
i understand HIPAA. i don’t understand why we are still using the technology we started using in the 60s. my question is why haven’t we found a better way since then?
yes, when i was around 18-20 i had very strong deja vu all the time where i knew what would happen next, like I’ve lived it before. down to knowing the exact words/tone people were about to say, things they’d end up doing, etc.
now, I’ll get that same feeling but it doesn’t result in correct predictions anymore. no idea why it used to, but it was always weird.
glass straws ftw. best mouthfeel (lol) of any straw AND you can see if there’s dirt in em
i work custodial in a public school district, and basically the dress code is “no sweats, no holes in jeans, no spaghetti straps.” i dye my super gay hair, have visible tattoos, and a facial piercing. i have had 0 comments on any of it except compliments.
also the pay and benefits are pretty great for entry level jobs
it’s British. they also do “aswell”
language evolves with every generation. this isn’t new
go somewhere else, sounds like they don’t value their customers. I’ve never had this experience
Starfield did this the right way, just as you are suggesting. it’s the only game I’ve seen so far that does it, but your character body exists on a wheel of buff, slender, thicker, etc. you can adjust every little part of this to get a truly unique character. i believe there were also at least 4 voice options. the rest of the game was meh, but maybe other games will start doing it that way. i think inclusion is still a very new concept in gaming, everyone is trying new things, and i appreciate the effort. it’ll get there.
that’s exactly the feeling i had, he needs people to see him being a good person. that’s usually an indicator.
my great grandparents immigrated from Finland. can’t wait to go!