Most of that money went to Republicans.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
True. While they are afraid, please remember to enact laws and establish oversight to prevent this from happening again. Get private money out of public elections.
Sounds kinda cheap, honestly. Like, really that’s a bargain for them since they don’t mind social or environmental destruction.
It’s the portion of the iceberg that’s above water
Why do conservative rich assholes always look so… angry? Sad? Down?
I mean it’s interesting to look at older people because you can see how they used their faces over their lifetimes; that’s what wrinkles are. And that’s cool and a neat thing and all…
But isn’t being rich supposed to be luxurious? Something better than drudgery and misery? Something worth doing and having? Something to reach for?
So why do they all look so miserable? In like a fundamental “this was my whole life” sort of way? A way that even Botox apparently can’t fix (because if it could they would use it)